Kam of the Arulaq

Kam is a warrior of the Arulaq tribe in the mountainous north of the Azim Steppe. He left on his twenty fourth nameday in search of his twin sister rumoured to be in the Western lands of Eorzea. He now travels the lands helping those without the funds to get proper assistance. Making friends, allies, and enemies, hoping that his journeys will help lead to his sister.
Kam is a prideful warrior with strong morals on right and wrong. Since coming to Eorzea he's been coming out of his shell. He has a big heart and is always the first to lend a hand to those struggling and those he holds close. He may be a bit rough at first when dealing with strangers but will treat any with basic respect. Stern yet gullible, mature yet has a childish like curiosity.

-Any sort of combat: Kam has a warriors spirit and relishes in the thrill of battle, thus will join many fights.
-Jobs: Kam needs to fund his travels as such will take jobs for money. Whether it be rounding chocobo, watching a kid, needing a guard/escort or slaying a beast he will do it. Often accepting a home cooked meal as payment for those struggling gil wise.-Tribal/Steppe: Kam loves his tribe and people. Speaking to him about the Steppe is a sure way to get him opened up.-Deep waters: Kam cannot swim and due to nearly drowning he has a fear of deep waters thus will avoid anything involving so.-Immoral actions: Kam has a strong sense of right and wrong based on how he grew up. He will not participate in actions he deems wrong or immoral.

Early Life
Kam's mother was exposed to an abundance of dark aether while still pregnant with Kam and his twin sister Ona. This resulted in a not so normal birth. Despite this he grew up a normal life in the tail mountains with his people. Learning early on how to hunt, track, and just outright survive the harsher conditions he lived in. With his mother Iri, being advisor to the Khan, his father Urukhan, leading the tribes guard, and his eldest sister Ciri, heading the hunting parties. Kam and his twin Ona had their future cut out for them. He felt he had big shoes to fill, as such trained in multiple ways of combat from an early age. Despite being at least proficient in most ways of melee combat, his preferred methods remain unarmed combat or using his greatsword. With no way to naturally generate his own aether he completely avoided casting based combative styles. His goal was to join the tribe's raiding party and eventually lead it.
Arulaq Pride
Kam worked hard for his tribe, starting with menial task. He worked hard whether it was a chore or something as simple as a fetch assignment. He wanted to prove to himself he could work from the bottom and make a name for himself without nods to his families merits. It took time but after three Moons of these tasks, building his own reputation by sparring with the raiders, and occasionally helping the hunting parties, he was finally approached by the tribe's current raid leader. A raider had gotten injured and the party needed one more. Knowing Kam's rep and that he could hold his own, the raiding group requested him. Without hesitation he accepted, becoming the youngest Arulaq to join the raid group. He received the tribal raiding gear and had a mask made at the smith for himself. Years passed and he went on raid after raid, his fervent desire to defend the mountain his tribe called home driving him to climb through the ranks, thus earning him the title 'Uul Khamgaalagch (Mountain's Guardian).'